easy beer bread

I am not sure if you remember the award we got for the beer bread? This award was won in June 2022! To say I was excited would be a slight understatement! I did alot of happy dances, weird dances, squeals and child hugging! I honestly, wished and hoped, but put it out of my mind as much as possible, to make the shock of not getting it more bearable! Well, it worked, and the Oregano Garlic and Sage beer bread, got a bronze Outstanding Food Producer Award!

So, when I found the NZ ARTISAN AWARDS online, I thought, oh what the heck, lets try again and see if the first award was not a fluke! WELL IT MOST DEFINITELY WAS NOT!!!

I absolutely cannot believe, this time around this little bugger got a SILVER! I mean, a silver, that is a second place!

Not only did they have their biggest year of entries, but they had to extend to make place for more entries and even pushed out the date for the announcements! It was nail bitting indeed!

This time around, on the day of the winner announcements, I was refreshing my emails every other hour! the anticipation was waaaaaay to much for me! Just past 4pm they eventually made the call and sent out the emails!


This is the baking mix that, from day one, I said will be in the range. It was the baking mix that I built the range around! It’s incredibly humbling to have this specific beer bread be the one that has made it!

The one that we make allot, dream up new ideas from and the one that my kids never complain about or get some random “allergy” too! Bring on summer and endless BBQ’s with this beer bread as our favorite side dish!

I can only thank you, you as clients, clients that have turned into friends and some of you have even become my go to for discussing ideas! I thank you all for the part you have played in getting me this far!

baking mixes